Amateur Radio Awards

August 2, 2019
Amateur radio operating award

In recognition of international two-way amateur radio communication, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) issues certificates to amateur radio stations of the world.

Qualification for the WAC award is based on an examination by the International Secretariat, or a member-society, of the IARU of QSL cards that the applicant has received from other amateur stations in each of the six continental areas of the world. All contacts must be made from the same country or separate territory within the same continental area of the world.

All QSL cards (no photocopies) must show the mode and/or band for any endorsement applied for.

Contacts made on 10/18/24 MHz or via satellites are void for the 5-band certificate and 6-band endorsement. All contacts for the QRP endorsement must be made on or after January 1, 1985 while running a maximum power of 5 watts output or 10 watts input.

The following information should be helpful in determining the continental area of a station located adjacent to a continental boundary. North America includes Greenland (OX) and Panama (HP). South America includes Trinidad & Tobago (9Y), Aruba (P4), Curacao & Bonaire (PJ2-4) and Easter Island (CE0). Oceania includes Minami Torishima (JD1), Philippines (DU), Eastern Malaysia (9M6-8) and Indonesia (YB). Asia includes Ogasawara Islands (JD1), Maldives (8Q), Socotra Island (7O), Abu Ail Island (J2/A), Cyprus (5B, ZC4), Eastern Turkey (TA2-9) and Georgia (4L). Europe includes the fourth and sixth call areas of Russia (R1-6), Istanbul (TA1), all Italian islands (I) and Azores (CU). Africa includes Ceuta & Melilla (EA9), Madeira (CT3), Gan Island (8Q), French Austral Territory (FT) and Heard Island (VK0).

For Amateurs in the US or Countries Without IARU Representation

WAC application forms are available in and format. Once completed, applications should be directed to the WAC Awards Manager, ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT USA 06111. After verification, the cards will be returned and the award sent soon afterward. Also, approved DXCC card checkers can verify WAC program applications. For the latest list of DXCC card checkers visit . There is a $16.00 fee for US applicants and an $18.00 fee for International applicants. Postage for card return is $3.00 for US mailings and $8.00 for International mailings. US amateurs must have current ARRL membership. Membership in an IARU member society is required for all applicants. At the present time credits in the ARRL LogBook of The World (LoTW) system cannot be claimed for WAC credit. Applicants who have a current DXCC award in the DXCC computer system can apply for WAC by completing the WAC application form and sending it to the address noted above, listing credits to be claimed on the application form. In this case QSL cards are not required. Send questions to .

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